24 September 2010

Bag lady

I picked a fat bunch of lavender today when I was tending the courtyard garden at school.  I designed the garden last year as a sensory garden and we were lucky enough to be given loads of free plants to fill the beds. I have hung the lavender up and I am thinking I might be able to make some little bags or pillows to sell at the school Christmas Fair.

 I am worried that my sewing skills aren't quite up to it, but I do have some scraps of Liberty fabric and a couple of old patterned shirts that I am going to try. Maybe something heart-shaped? Or should I mix the lavender with some wheat and make wheat bags to warm in the microwave?

In my more ambitious moments I am also thinking about some lovely red gingham, trimmed with green ribbon and stuffed with something spicy like orange peel, cinnamon, and perhaps a little star anise. If only I was capable of making this!

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